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Martin Worsfold


Thanks for visiting martinworsfold.com – the home of Global Financial Systems Expertise and more…! With over 25 years’ experience in the Oil and Gas, Construction, Automotive and Food Production industries, I provide an independent consulting service, specialising in financial systems and ERP implementation, as well as a wide range of related management, support and training activities. Whilst I generally reside in Australia, I can support you from anywhere on planet Earth or space, but I also love travelling!

For a detailed list of my skills and expertise, or to find out more about how I can help, please visit the Services page. Alternatively, you can drop me a line via the Contact page or connect with me on LinkedIn below.

Beyond the day job I have a passion for music, and when not immersed in the technical challenges of financial systems, I can be found sound exploring, creating, mixing, re-mixing, producing, playing my synths, DJ’ing and presenting radio shows.

Finance Systems